Frequently Asked Questions
What is Button Simple app?
Who is it for?
Who makes it?
What are the terms of service and data privacy policy?
You can find our terms of service and privacy policy on our website.
How do we get the app?
How do we configure the app?
What is a Response Plan and why do we need one?
To use Button Simple app effectively, you and your family will need to have a Response Plan, which informs all family members of their roles and responsibilities.
Will my care recipient need a cell phone to use Button Simple app?
Yes, your care recipient will need a mobile device to act as their button. Our app does not require a cell phone data plan - wifi is fine. Either Android or iPhone, and older ones are fine too. We recommend a dedicated device.
How do I request technical support?
Please use the contact form on our web site.
How do I submit a feature idea?
Please use the contact form on our web site.
Why do you recommend using a dedicated device for care recipient's button?
We suggest dedicating this device as a Button (that is, don't use it for calls or other apps) to keep it as simple and consistent as possible for your Care Reciptient to press it every day.
Do we need cellular service? Wifi?